We promote the digitization of Transport to achieve more sustainable, safe, reliable and accessible mobility and infrastructure
A Spanish company with an international presence,Consultrans has beendeveloping engineering, architectural, strategic consultancy and information and technology projects for the transport sector, both for passengers and goods, for over thirty-five years.
In 2008, Consultrans became part of the Imathia Global Group, strengthening the Consulting area and making it possible to provide a comprehensive range of services, from strategic and feasibility studies to the construction and delivery of turnkey projects.
In 2016, the engineering company KV Consultores joined the group, thus providing the Group with new capabilities and additional experience in the transport and infrastructure sector.
Our Purpose of Massive Transformation
Consultrans’ PMT is to contribute to society by providing companies in the Transport sector with solutions that respect the environment and serve to build the mobility of the future, helping to make people’s lives easier, more comfortable and safer”.
We endorse the objectives included by UNESCO in the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development
What makes us different
As a differential characteristic, we combine our planning and engineering knowledge with our experience in technologies applied to transport, covering the entire life cycle of an infrastructure project, from demand forecasting and feasibility analyses to project management and start-up.
Our prestige and experience drive us as an international reference in engineering and consultancy applied to transport; we were recognised in 2019 with the Internationalisation Award, which is granted annually by the Spanish Investors Exporters Club.
Aware of the challenge posed by the Digital Transformation
Consultrans knows that innovation and digital transformation are the keys to designing customised solutions, adapted to the needs of each project. That is why we are committed to the use of BIM methodology, which allows us to achieve optimum data management throughout the entire life cycle of an infrastructure.
Under the direction of the BIM Managers we set our BEP (BIM Execution Plan), with the standards, workflows, modelling criteria and information exchange that allow us to apply the construction modelling method, with the ensuing savings in time and resources, thanks to data simulation.
Committed to Quality
We are constantly updating our Integrated Management System: Quality, Environment and Health and Safety in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015, UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards. We also have the ISO 15504 certification at maturity level 3.
Our project management model complies with the international PMBOK® and ISO-21500 standards, thus promoting the search for excellence by our project management professionals.
Consult our Management Systems Policy